Over 1,800 athletes from 50 countries around the world will participate in the 8th Angkor Ul...
ភ្នំពេញ៖ ឯកឧត្តមបណ្ឌិតទេសរដ្ឋមន្ត្រី ថោង ខុន ប្រធានសហព័ន្ធកីឡាកាយសម្ព័ន្ធកម្ពុជា បានប្រាប់ទៅ...
សហព័ន្ធខ្មែរកីឡាហែលទឹក បានបង្វែរដាក់ក្តីសង្ឃឹមទៅលើប្រភេទកីឡាហែលទឹក និងលោតទឹក ក្នុងការឈានទៅដណ...
Phnom Penh: The National Tennis Championship 2024 has officially started at the National Oly...
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has just voted to expand the number of sports for ...
Over a thousand people attended the Olympic Day on April 11 to commemorate the impending Par...
Joseph Schooling, Singapore's lone swimmer who won a gold medal at the 2016 Olympic Games, a...
Malaysia: The Malaysia Government said on Friday of March 22 to refuse the hosting of the Co...